01 Aug Title Watch – All you need to know
Subscription service accessible to subscribers of the South Australian Integrated Land Information System (“SAILIS”) which sends notifications (via email or SMS) when activity is detected on a certificate of title.
Who can subscribe to the service:
- Property owners by setting up a subscription with the Lands Titles Office, via https://www.sailis.sa.gov.au/home/extUser ; and
- Solicitors or conveyancers who have an active account with SAILIS.
Advantages of Subscribing
Whenever activity occurs on a certificate of title that a subscriber has nominated, the subscriber will receive a notification. For example, the subscriber is notified if a Priority Notice, Caveat, Transfer or Mortgage has been lodged against the nominated title. A subscriber is also notified when a Form 1 search is conducted in relation to the nominated title.
Upon receiving a notification, the subscriber is directed to the SAILIS website to view the details of the activity on the nominated title.
There is no cost associated with registering a Title. A subscriber can have up to 20 titles nominated for Title Watch. The subscriber does not need to show any connection to or interest in the Title.
If you would like more information on Title Watch, or if you require advice in relation to a property or commercial law matter, please contact Belperio Clark Lawyers on (08) 8212 1322 or visit our website: www.bc-lawyers.com.au