September 2017

The recent death of Mr Hugh Hefner has provided worldwide publicity about prenuptial agreements and a wife apparently receiving nothing from an estate. Mr Hefner was well known for his hedonistic pursuits of pleasure and self-gratification. He was also well known for his wealth, three marriages, numerous relationships, the publishing of avant-garde magazines such as Playboy and his strong support for freedom of speech and expression. The recent publicity reports that his third wife, Ms Harris will not inherit anything, as she has been left out of his Will. According to the Daily Mail, amongst other publications, it is said that Ms Harris was not made a beneficiary of his Will. The media also reports about there being an ironclad prenuptial agreement between Ms Harris and Mr Heffner. Apparently, Ms Harris will be taken care of by undisclosed means. It is reported that his estate is to be divided among his four children, the University of Southern California and a list of charities. The issues mentioned in relation to Mr Hefner, are common in many countries including Australia – with lesser fortunes, fewer marriages and relationships. They do however point out the complexity which needs to be dealt with. We at Belperio Clark Lawyers...

We are thrilled to announce that Doyle’s Guide to the Australian Legal Profession has recommended our very own, Bev Clark in the categories of “Leading Family & Divorce Lawyers – South Australia 2017” and “Leading Parenting, Custody & Children’s Matters Lawyers – South Australia 2017”! Bev is committed to achieving the best outcomes for her clients. She understands the importance of exploring opportunities to resolve matters and works hard to ensure that her clients are supported and properly represented through the legal process. Bev was one of the first two lawyers in SA trained in Collaborative Law and is a founding and active member of the Adelaide Collaborative Practice Group and the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals. She regularly presents on Collaborative Law and attends the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals’ conference in America each year. Bev has been involved in over 100 Collaborative cases including the first cases in SA. She now trains other Collaborative Professionals. We’re also very proud to announce that our firm has been recommended in the category of “Leading Family & Divorce Law Firms – South Australia 2017”. Our family lawyers are experienced professionals who provide a high level of cost-effective, resolution focused service. For more information about our Family Law services, please contact...

If you are looking for answers to the common questions about relationship counselling, information can be found through Relationship Australia’s website. If counselling hasn’t worked for you and your relationship has broken down irretrievably, talk to our team about how you can choose to resolve your dispute respectfully – we promise that it’s better for everyone involved, especially kids caught in the middle! Belperio Clark’s Adelaide family lawyers are proud to be part of the Adelaide Collaborative Practice Group and pride themselves on their ability to work as a team to find the best solution for you and your personal situation. If you would like further information about Collaborative Practice or would like to book an appointment please call on 8212 1322. Alternatively, if you feel you are not ready to sit down one to one with a lawyer in a formal appointment you can come to one of our free ‘Relationship Breakdown‘ seminars for a general chat with our experienced family lawyers....

Under the Family Law Act, a spouse or de facto spouse has the right to apply for support from their former spouse if they are unable to adequately support themselves. If the applicant spouse can establish a need, then the Court looks to the other party to ascertain if they have the capacity to provide support. In making a decision the Court would take into consideration the age and state of health of each of the parties, their income, property, resources and capacity to work. The Court will look at whether the relationship has affected a persons ability to earn an income. The Court will also take account of a suitable standard of living in all the circumstances and whether a party has the care of children under 18 or children over 18 who are either students or have a disability Some parties are able to reach agreements and if necessary can record their agreement in a binding way – either by way of a properly drafted Financial agreement or a Consent Order. If no agreement can be reached, then an application might need to be made to the Court for an Order on a contested basis. There are deadlines for filing such an application. The...

Our team of Adelaide family lawyers can advise you of your rights in relation to all aspects of a relationship breakdown. We encourage you to discuss your concerns with us so that we may assist you to develop solutions. Our family lawyers consider that when parties separate or their relationship breaks down, the type of process they use to resolve any dispute will have a big impact on the outcome. Not all matters need a heavy hand. Not all matters need the huge expense and long delays that come with Court based processes. Most parties are better off Ð especially if they have children Ð using Mediation or Collaboration. We are committed to assisting parties to learn about the options available and what they look like. We run free seminars in our Sturt Street premises each month. Come along on to our next free family law seminar on Wednesday the 25th of October 2017 between 5-6pm to meet and talk to a family lawyer about relationship breakdown solutions. Take a look at Erica and BevÕs professional profiles for insight into our experienced family law team. Call us on 08 82121322 to reserve a spot or to find out more information....

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