01 Aug Family Law – Do winners even win in the Family Court?
As a busy Adelaide Family law firm you would think we spend a lot of time in the Family Court but as we see Court as a last resort and have a strong focus on keeping our clients out of Court, we donÕt spend a lot of time there. There are very few matters that really need to be litigated and we only litigate when it is warranted. Relocation is one area of Family law which is often hard to settle. If one party wishes to relocate with the children after separation or divorce and that would affect the relationship the other party has with the children, it is no surprise that it is hard to compromise. For example, if one party came from England leaving behind all their family and friends, and then had children in Australia with their partner, upon their separation they may wish to return home to England and take the children with them. It is understandable that they would feel strongly that they ought to be able to return to their family and familiar surrounds. It is understandable that if they are the primary carer of the children that they would want to take the children with...