Family law/divorce court fees likely to increase dramatically from 1 July 2015

Family law/divorce court fees likely to increase dramatically from 1 July 2015

According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies,  approximately 40 percent of marriages end in divorce in Australia.

We are committed to non-court resolution options (mediation, negotiation, collaborative resolution) where ever reasonably possible. Settlements will often be “registered ” with the Family Court by way of an Application For Consent Orders. Court fees apply. Divorce Applications also attract court fees.

Sadly separating couples who are planning to get a divorce or families experiencing a breakdown will be subject to dramatically increased court fees under the federal government’s new budget.

It has been reported that the fee to apply for divorce will “significantly rise” under the new fee schedule. It is currently $845.00.  It is suggested that the divorce fee may raise to $1200 from July 1 this year. Details will be available from late June early July.

A spokeswoman for the federal Attorney General has confirmed the fee increases but said the full details would not be available until July 1st.

Accordingly separated couples considering a divorce application or court applications (including consent orders) may want to obtain urgent advice about commencing such application before the 1st of July.

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