Think twice before you launch a Court case

Think twice before you launch a Court case

Written by Bev Clark (Adelaide Family Lawyer)

Many people assume that going to Court is a good option for settling a dispute. They assume justice will be served if they go to Court.

Most people know that Court is very expensive and can take a long time. What they might not realise, however, is that once Court proceedings commence, they can’t get out of that process unless either they reach an agreement with the other side, or a Judge makes a decision. Whilst they are in the Court process, there are many hearings and requirements that parties must attend to that are costly, and that parties may wish they didn’t need to fund -but they have no control over that.

I find that many clients who are stuck in litigation feel powerless and most would love the process to end – or to never have begun – but that is not in their power to achieve unless they accept a completely untenable outcome if the other party is particularly difficult to deal with.

There are other processes for dispute resolution besides Court. My advice is to only use Court as a last resort and, if at all possible, work in a less invasive, less expensive model of dispute resolution.

At Belperio Clark, we host a free seminar once a month about ‘Relationship Breakdown’ where you can learn about the benefits of other dispute resolution options that are available. Give us a call today on (08) 8212 1322 to book your place.

For help or information contact Bev Clark

08 8212 1322

94 Sturt Street Adelaide

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